Why Value Chain Analysis Matters


Any business has the ability to optimize existing business processes, optimize costs and increase efficiency. Therefore, before making strategic decisions, it is necessary to understand how the company creates value. This requires a value chain analysis.

What is a value chain and why is it important? The value chain is a model that allows you to represent all the elements of value creation in the form of primary activities and support activities. The value chain was proposed by M. Porter to identify the sources of competitive advantage. The M.

Porter's value chain model is shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1 - M. Porter's Value Chain Model

Thus, the primary activities include such as inbound and outbound logistics, operations, marketing and sales, and service. Support activities are those activities that are related to the maintenance of the primary activities, i.e. support activities are not directly related to the creation of a product. The support activities include technology development, human resource management, company infrastructure, and procurement.

The essence of the value chain model is to determine how individual processes and resources affect the creation of products (services). Consequently, the analysis covers the entire chain, i.e. all processes.

In general, value chain analysis involves three main steps. At the initial stage, it is necessary to divide the company's activities into primary and support. The next step is the distribution of costs for each type of activity. Further, the key activities are established that are the drivers of the business, i.e. those activities that are critical to customer needs and generate the most value.

Value chain analysis can achieve the following results:
- determine how the business is arranged
- identify strengths and weaknesses and compare with competitors
- find opportunities to optimize business processes
- determine the competitive advantages of the company, product
- identify opportunities to reduce costs
- determine a sustainable differential advantage
- determine the trajectory of business development

To ensure long-term growth and competitive advantage, companies must provide their customers with unique experience and work out all business processes, and value chain analysis will help to understand how to achieve this.

by Olivia Davidson